Storybook 7.1Storybook 7.1 is here! Featuring in-app onboarding, zero-config styling support, TypeScript code snippets, and more.
Zero-config support for Tailwind, MUI, styled-components, and EmotionNew zero-config support for JavaScript's most popular styling libraries
New API references, TypeScript code snippets, and docs DXWe’re making it easier than ever to learn Storybook
Community Showcase #5Recap of all the exciting recent updates. Plus, amazing new learning resources from the community!
Storybook for React Native (6.5)Perf improvements, support for Component Story Format, controls, and args. Plus new configuration files format to align with Storybook core.
Styling Addon: configure styles and themes in StorybookUse the Styling Addon to configure your styling tools and provide themes for your UI components.
Improved type safety in Storybook 7CSF3 syntax combined with TypeScript satisfies gives you stricter types and an improved developer experience