Toggle Dark Mode (using data attributes)

Allows you to toggle a data attributes on any dom element to switch between light and dark mode.

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Storybook Addon theme-toggle

Simple addon that allows you to change a data-* value on a dom node of your choice.

If you have something in your codebase like this ->

html[data-theme="dark"] {
  @include darkTheme;

Than this is the plugin for you.


  1. yarn add -D storybook-addon-dark-mode-toggle or npm install --save-dev storybook-addon-dark-mode-toggle
  2. .storybook/main.js -> addons: [..others, 'storybook-addon-dark-mode-toggle'],
  3. OPTIONAL: Add params to preview.js under the key data-theme-toggle
  4. import whatever .[s]css files control your theme into .storybook/preview.js, such as import '../styles/theme/theme.scss'; (see motivation for what this file may look like.)
  5. Click the added icon to toggle theme


Optional, but if you choose to add a configuration, you can't skip any of the fields.

You can configure the addon by adding the following to .storybook/preview.js (default values shown):

export const parameters = {
    'data-theme-toggle': {
    querySelector: "html",
    "data-target": "theme",
    default: "light",
    values: {
      dark: "dark",
      light: "light",
    lightFill: "#a05b00",
    darkFill: "#0926b5",
  • querySelector: value that will be passed into a document.querySelector('selector') call to get the dom element your data attribute will be applied to.
  • data-target: the name of the data attribute that will be set. The above default would give you data-theme='light'
  • default: either dark or light, will set the initial data attribute value based on values
  • values: the values that the data attribute will be set to for dark/light themes
  • lightFill: The fill color for the addons toolbar icon in light mode
  • darkFill: The fill color for the addons toolbar icon in dark mode

Motivation For Making this Addon

I do my themes by setting default theme variables in a :root {...} selector and then controlling the theme by overwriting those variables in other selectors. All of my projects have a theme.scss file like this ->

@use "./theme-light.scss" as *;
@use "./theme-dark.scss" as *;

@import "./tokens.scss";

:root {
  @include lightTheme;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    @include darkTheme;

html[data-theme="light"] {
  @include lightTheme;

html[data-theme="dark"] {
  @include darkTheme;

Where tokens.scss has the "global" custom css properties (variables) that are referenced in my theme files, theme-light.scss and theme-dark.scss (similar to how tokens work in material 3). I then default to the light theme but respect the users preference for a dark theme with @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark).

I also allow the user to toggle between light and dark themes via a data-theme selector on the html tag.

I was unable to find a suitable addon that would allow me to quickly toggle the theme my components are rendered with in storybook. There were a few addons that were on the right track, notably storybook-theme-toggle by Antonis Zisis. However, they lacked support for configuration and couldn't be dropped into my project without changing my source code.

Therefore I set out to create a simple toggle plugin that can do the same thing as storybook-theme-toggle but with optional configuration.

Addon Development docs

Development scripts

  • yarn start runs babel in watch mode and starts Storybook
  • yarn build build and package your addon code


Storybook addons are listed in the catalog and distributed via npm. The catalog is populated by querying npm's registry for Storybook-specific metadata in package.json. This project has been configured with sample data. Learn more about available options in the Addon metadata docs.

Release Management


This project is configured to use auto for release management. It generates a changelog and pushes it to both GitHub and npm. Therefore, you need to configure access to both:

  • NPM_TOKEN Create a token with both Read and Publish permissions.
  • GH_TOKEN Create a token with the repo scope.

Then open your package.json and edit the following fields:

  • name
  • author
  • repository


To use auto locally create a .env file at the root of your project and add your tokens to it:

GH_TOKEN=<value you just got from GitHub>
NPM_TOKEN=<value you just got from npm>

Lastly, create labels on GitHub. You’ll use these labels in the future when making changes to the package.

npx auto create-labels

If you check on GitHub, you’ll now see a set of labels that auto would like you to use. Use these to tag future pull requests.

GitHub Actions

This template comes with GitHub actions already set up to publish your addon anytime someone pushes to your repository.

Go to Settings > Secrets, click New repository secret, and add your NPM_TOKEN.

Creating a release

To create a release locally you can run the following command, otherwise the GitHub action will make the release for you.

yarn release

That will:

  • Build and package the addon code
  • Bump the version
  • Push a release to GitHub and npm
  • Push a changelog to GitHub
Made by
  • adaleblanc95
Work with
    Web Components